HolyCoast: Here's Why I Want McCain to Win
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Friday, October 31, 2008

Here's Why I Want McCain to Win

Oh sure, there's all that stuff about Obama's socialist economic policies, his desire to surrender in Iraq and unilaterally disarm the country, not to mention abandoning Israel and making nice-nice with the world's dictators. But at this point in the campaign that's not the main reason I want McCain to win. Here are 25 other important reasons:

1. It will make Erica Jong, Jane Fonda and Naomi Wolf wet themselves:

Erica Jong Tells Italians Obama Loss 'Will Spark the Second American Civil War. Blood Will Run in the Streets'

...Basically, Jong says her fear that Obama might lose the election has developed into an "obsession. A paralyzing terror. An anxious fever that keeps you awake at night." She also says that her friends Jane Fonda and Naomi Wolf are extremely worried that Obama will be sabotaged by Republican dirty tricks, and that if an Obama loss indeed comes to pass, the result will be a second American Civil War...

I think she's just menopausal. The Purple Avenger at Ace of Spades adds this:

Well...a thinning of the moonbat herd might not be such a bad thing. Of course an Obama loss will also spark a 2nd American civil war too...but we know how that would work out since it's the right that has all the guns and it's pretty dumb to bring paper mache heads and burning effigies to a gunfight.
2. I want to see the look on the faces of a million Obamabots in Grant Park when Obama gives his concession speech.

3. I want to hear the mournful wailing from Chris Matthews as the thrill goes out of his leg.

4. I want to hear the stunned moronitude from the mainstream media as they have to report the McCain victory.

5. I want to hear Hillary Clinton cackle.

6. I want to hear how many new words are synonyms for "racism", like "losing".

7. I want to watch the 5 or 6 days of "urban renewal" which will go on throughout the inner cities of the country.

8. I want to see the lines of people returning electronic items to Best Buy that they bought with the $1,000 that Obama was gonna give them.

9. I want to hear the ridiculous excuses given by the NY Times pollster for getting it so wrong. And nearly every other pollster.

10. I want to see Sarah Palin field dress a bunch of network news anchors.

11. I want to see the Dow Jones go up 1,000 points.

Every day.

For a week.

12. I want to see Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have simultaneous strokes as they realize they're going to be stuck with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity for another four years.

13. I want to see Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and Chuckie Schumer indicted.

14. I want to see every psych ward in the country full of lefty bloggers.

15. I want to watch the panels on the Sunday shows and hear the "experts" admit they're really not very bright.

16. I want to read all the stuff the mainstream media has been holding on Obama but has refused to release.

17. I want to finally clean the lefties out of Hollywood and watch them all move to France or Venezuela.

18. I want to see John McCain ban all the newspaper and broadcast media reporters that wrote him off from Air Force One.

19. I want to see the Great Seal of Obama on eBay.

20. I want to see Karl Rove smile that evil smile of his.

21. I want to see it proven that you can't buy the presidency, even with credit card and voter fraud.

22. I want to see ACORN stripped of all federal funding.

23. I want to see Israelis dancing in the streets instead of Palestinians.

24. I want to see Joe the Plumber have a decent chance to achieve his dream.

And finally, reason #25:

25. I want to see Sarah Palin holding baby Trig at the inauguration.

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