HolyCoast: 9/11 Commandments
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

9/11 Commandments

Kerry gave a big speech in New York yesterday, and we'll talk more about that in another post. There was a moment in the speech that bothered (just one??). At one point Kerry had family members of 9/11 victims stand and be recognized, and then promised them that as president he would immediately implement ALL of the 9/11 commission's recommendations.

This has become a frequent campaign cry of the Dems - the 9/11 commission must be obeyed! They act as though the 9/11 report was handed down on stone tablets atop a smoking mountain.

My question is, with the exception of the men who wrote the Bible, what group of people have ever put out a document that is without spot or blemish? No committee made up of humans, especially humans with political biases, is going to put out a perfect product.

When this commission was put together, their charge from the president did not include a guarantee that everything they recommended would be implemented. Isn't it the job of the president to review the recommendations and implement those which make sense to him and will further the security of the country.

It's time to carefully review the report, and use what makes sense, but let's not just give a bunch of political hacks carte blanche to change our government any way they wish.

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