HolyCoast: Democrat Wedgie
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Monday, September 27, 2004

Democrat Wedgie

A favorite pasttime of Republicans during the weeks before a major election is to force votes on "wedge" issues that create real problems for Democrats if they vote the way they really believe. In an article in the Washington Times, "GOP forcing votes on wedge issues", the writers explain some of the issues that are giving the Dems heartburn. Here is an excerpt:

Rep. Charles W. Stenholm, Texas Democrat, has voted repeatedly against President Bush's tax cuts -- so it was surprising when he voted Thursday for a $146 billion package to extend some of its most popular middle-class provisions.

Republicans chalked it up to another pre-election conversion -- something they say they expect as they force Congress to vote on popular but contentious bills during the next few weeks.

From flag-burning to the Pledge of Allegiance and the definition of marriage, House and Senate leaders say they will make Democrats choose between their party principles and their constituents.

"You want to draw distinctions between the parties," said Stuart Roy, a spokesman for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Texas Republican. "Republicans get re-elected when we act like Republicans. Democrats get re-elected when they act like Republicans. For us, the best way to draw distinctions is to paint with bold lines and bright colors."

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