HolyCoast: More From C-BS
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

More From C-BS

From today's Kerry Spot:

RatherBiased.com has the stunning story that Dan Rather and CBS have learned nothing - nothing from the whole fake memo story.

Last night, they reported on the bogus "Bush will restore the draft" rumor...
In a story that was a textbook example of slipshod reporting, CBS reporter Richard Schlesinger used debunked internet hoax emails and an unlabeled interest group member to scare elderly "Evening" viewers into believing that the U.S. government is poised to resume the draft.

At the center of Schlesinger's piece was a woman named Beverly Cocco, a Philadelphia woman who is "sick to my stomach" that her two sons might be drafted. In his report, Schlesinger claimed that Cocco was a Republican and portrayed her as an apolitical (even Republican) mom worried about the future.

Schlesinger did not disclose that Cocco is a chapter president of an advocacy group called People Against the Draft (PAD) which, in addition to opposing any federal proscription, seeks to establish a "peaceful, rational foreign policy" by bringing all U.S. troops out of Iraq. Like Schlesinger's Cocco, the group portrays itself as "nonpartisan"although its leadership seems to be entirely bereft of any Republicans.

The group's domain is registered to a man named Jacob Levich, a left-wing activist who in a 2001 essay compared the Bush Administration to the totalitarian government portrayed in George Orwell's 1984.

As RatherBiased.com points out, no mention that the two bills in Congress that are seeking to reestablish the draft (S89 and HR163) are sponsored almost exclusively by Democrats and have been pronounced DOA by the Republican leadership.
Is there any point in objecting anymore?

Dan Rather and the entire CBS News operation are apparently out to make Michael Moore look fair-minded.

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