HolyCoast: The Next First Lady
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Monday, September 27, 2004

The Next First Lady

Best of the Web Today has some excerpts from Teresa Heinz Kerry's foray to Colorado the other day:
John Kerry's second wife was in Colorado Friday, where, as usual, she had many ridiculous things to say. "Day One of his presidency, every child in America will have health care. Period," Teresa Heinz Kerry told an audience in Fort Collins, according to the Coloradoan, the local paper. Apparently she doesn't realize that this would require an act of Congress--or perhaps she intends to pick up the tab herself.

She also offered this wisdom on education policy: "Tests should be a measure that is enabling, not disabling. Tests that are a trap are sinful." Huh?

And in Pueblo, the Associated Press reports, she had this advice on how to fight terrorism:

"The way we live in peace in a family, in a marriage, in the world, is not by threatening people, is not by showing off your muscles. It's by listening, by giving a hand sometimes, by being intelligent, by being open and by setting high standards."

Yeah, that'll throw a scare into al Qaeda.

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