HolyCoast: Plays Well With Others??
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Friday, September 24, 2004

Plays Well With Others??

Yesterday one of the bravest men in the world came to Washington to speak to a joint session of Congress. That man is Prime Minister Allawi of Iraq. This guy is the target of untold assassination plots as he attempts to guide Iraq from tyranny to democracy.

Allawi gave a great speech to Congress and more than held his own at a White House press briefing. One question, however, where was Kerry?

Here was the perfect opportunity to elevate his stature and make himself look presidential had he simply showed up for the speech and then arranged a private meeting with the Prime Minister. It would have put him on a par with the president.

Instead, he stayed in Ohio (Bush by 11 points as of the last polls) and took cheap shots at the Prime Minister and Bush in a news conference held just 30 minutes after the speech in Congress. Basically, he called both the Prime Minister and Bush liers and suggested that the Prime Minister didn't know what was going on in his own country. This is how Kerry treats our friends.

There's another interesting article out there today. Charles Krauthammer, simply one of the brightest guys around, writes today about the efforts of Kerry's sister to undermine the Howard Administration in Australia. National elections down under are scheduled for Oct. 9, and Howard's opponent wants to cut and run from Iraq. Read the whole article - it's pretty good (free registration required).

Don't you find it kind of peculiar that Kerry has no use whatsoever for the allies who are helping us in Iraq (remember his "coalition of the bribed and coerced" comment), while he claims to be able to bring new allies into the mix should he be president? There's a cartoon out there that kind of says it all:

The cartoon shows "President" Kerry on the phone, saying something like: "Bonjour, Jacques, I'm calling to ask you to send some troops to help fight the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Ain't going to happen, folks. (Hat tip - Power Line)

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