HolyCoast: "Bigoted Christians" the New "Angry White Men"
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Friday, November 12, 2004

"Bigoted Christians" the New "Angry White Men"

In 1994, when the Gingrich revolution swept Republicans into power, ending 40 years of Democratic hegemony, the mainstream press needed to account for this inversion of the Perfect Order of Things. A myth was born. Explained a USA Today headline: "Angry White Men: Their votes turned the tide for the GOP." Overnight, the revolt of the Angry White Male became conventional wisdom.

At the time, I looked into this story line and found not a scintilla of evidence to support it. Nonetheless, it was a necessary invention, a way for the liberal elite to delegitimize a conservative victory.

Ten years and another Democratic defeat later, and liberals are at it again. The Angry White Male has been transmuted into the Bigoted Christian Redneck.

That's how Charles Krauthammer starts his piece in today's New York Daily News. The media is trying to figure out who to blame for the Dem disaster on Nov. 2, and Christians are increasingly becoming the convenient target.

I'm also noticing that Dems, such as Hillary Clinton who wants the top job in 2008, are suddenly "getting religion". They are using Bible verses when talking about social programs, and you can expect to see a lot more of that in the coming four years. The polls tell them they have to be able to relate to the religious right, but they don't understand that religious folk will see through the mascerade. The Dems just can't pull off "religious" and make it work.

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