HolyCoast: Dems Calling for Secession
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Monday, November 08, 2004

Dems Calling for Secession

The Dem craziness over the election results got even crazier this weekend when two different Dems offered the same suggestion - maybe the blue states ought to secede from the Union and leave all the red states foundering in our ignorance. Both Lawrence O'Donnell (a consultant to NBC's The West Wing and increasing insane sounding Dem commentator) and Geraldine Ferraro (VP loser in 1984) suggested that secession might be the answer to the great divide in the country (after all, look how well in worked in 1860). O'Donnell even suggested that Bush could lead us into another Civil War.

Number one, you need to take another look at the electoral map. Even the blue states are not that blue when observed at the county level. In fact, Kerry only won 6 of New York's counties, and if you took out Los Angeles and the Bay area, California would be overwhelmingly red as well. As Mark Steyn puts it in the Telegraph:
You can drive from coast to coast across the middle of the country and never pass through a single county that voted for John Kerry...
Let's just say that the blues really want to pursue this "civil war" thing. Can you imagine the army that the blues could muster - a bunch of pompous, gun-hating, tree-hugging, Yugo-driving, Starbucks sipping soldier want-to be's mincing around in their designer cammies decorated in UN Blue. Their idea of battle would be a witty aside or a particularly well-nuanced debating point. Most of those people wouldn't even know which end of the gun the bullet comes out.

I'll take that war anytime.

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