HolyCoast: Draining the Swamp
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Friday, November 19, 2004

Draining the Swamp

About a week ago a CIA counterterrorism expert by the name of Michael Scheuer resigned from the agency and went public with his accusations against the Bush administration. Actually, this wasn't the first time he's gone public. Some months ago he published a book called Imperial Hubris under the pseudonym "anonymous".

You see, active CIA employees are not allowed to publish books under their own names, let alone publish books that criticize the current administration. However, it's now apparent, based on Scheuer's own words, that the powers that used to be in the CIA actively approved of Sheuer's activity and his book. In his own words, "As long as the book was being used to bash the president, they gave me carte blanche to talk to the media".

This is the mess that Porter Goss has walked into, and this is why the smarmy little anti-administration lefties in the CIA are running for the tall grass. The media is claiming that a blood-bath is going on at the CIA where many top folks are resigning, and I say go get 'em Porter! This swamp of anti-Bush alligators needs draining, and Porter has to repopulate the whole place himself, great!

You can read more about the CIA's active promotion of Sheuer's anti-Bush book here.

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