HolyCoast: Exit Polls - Pure Junk
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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Exit Polls - Pure Junk

(7:21 pm PST) I'm sitting here watching Fox News on TV and have my notebook computer in my lap searching through many websites, and the one thing that's for sure on this election night is that the exit polls were pure crap. The President is outperforming the exit polls across the board. In fact, the polls originally had Kerry up in SC, NC & VA, all of which Bush won.

As of right now, it looks like Bush is in for a good night. Every state that has been called so far has gone the same way it did in 2000 which is good news for Bush. He's showing strength in FL and OH, and is now expected to win NH as well once all the northern precincts come in.

Earlier Zogby called the election for Kerry...and you know how we feel about Zogby. I think he was trying for self-fulling prophecy in the hopes of affecting the turnout.

Stay tuned...

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