HolyCoast: Is It 1860 Again?
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Is It 1860 Again?

Believe it or not, many on the left think we are in the last day's before the nation's second Civil War. I've addressed the silliness of that in previous posts, but it looks like this issue isn't going away.

Matthew Continetti in today's Weekly Standard has a pretty good take on the subject. Bottom line - we live in a divided country, which has always been true. There have always been at least two political parties, which means there will always be folks on both sides of the issues. However, with the exception of that little dust-up in the 1860's, we've managed to be more civil than warlike. I imagine we'll get through this conflict without much violence, but it's remarkable that otherwise intelligent folks would even consider war a possibility.

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