HolyCoast: Kerry Still Clinging to Fantasy
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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kerry Still Clinging to Fantasy

It's 7 am on the day after election, and the Kerry campaign is still clinging to the fantasy that there are some votes in Ohio that could give them the state. Never mind the fact that they're trailing by 130,000 with about 140,000 provisionals and overseas ballots remaining. They would have to have an overwhelming majority of these votes - something like 80% including the military ballots - to win. At this point it's a statistical impossibility.

Bush has also received more popular votes than any candidate in history, including Reagan. He's also the first candidate since 1988 to receive a majority of the popular vote, something Clinton never did.

Other good news - it looks like The Crimson River Quartet can keep singing "Echoes From The Burning Bush" for another four years.

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