HolyCoast: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Peggy Noonan writes today on OpinionJournal.com about Hillary Clinton and her preparations to run for the presidency in 2008. Here's the opening paragraph:
I wrote a book about her more than four years ago. The idea came from a friend, a bright former-Republican-now-Democrat who thought my Wall Street Journal pieces on Mrs. Clinton's looming senatorial candidacy could be turned into something longer that made the case against her. I immediately thought: Yes, that could make a difference. I went to my publisher, who agreed, and I hit it hard, speaking to Mrs. Clinton's friends and enemies, scouring the record. What I concluded was that Mrs. Clinton was an unusually cynical leftist political operative who had no great respect for the citizens of the United States or for America itself, but who saw our country as a platform for her core ambitions: to rise and achieve historic personal and political power both with her husband and without him.

Peggy has unusually good insight about political folks, and her article is must reading for those of us who don't want to live in a country run by Hillary. The real question is: Do the Republicans have someone who can beat her?

As I've said before, I don't think she can win because she's so incredibly divisive and I can't imagine that the country would want another Clinton presidency. However, if the GOP nominates a weak or flawed candidate, anything could happen.

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