HolyCoast: Coming Soon to the Senate - The Nuclear Option
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Monday, December 20, 2004

Coming Soon to the Senate - The Nuclear Option

When Congress reconvenes after the holidays, we can expect to see a flurry of judicial nominations coming from the President (any nominations made previously but not confirmed are now dead and must be resubmitted or changed). Senate Dems are waiting for another chance to filibuster Bush's nominees who don't meet their liberal needs, but according to Robert Novak, Senate Majority Leader Frist may be ready to exercise the nuclear option.

What most people don't know is that Senate rules can be changed very quickly with the consent of the President of the Senate (Vice President Cheney). What I didn't realize when until I read this column was that this would not be the first time something like this was done. When Robert Byrd was Majority Leader, six times he exercised an option like this to change Senate rules.

Of course, the media will play it as though this was an unprecedented act of unfair play, but so what. We need to get our judges confirmed, and if we have to hurt some Democrat feelings to do it, so be it.

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