HolyCoast: Cosby Getting the "Newsweak" Treatment
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Sunday, December 19, 2004

Cosby Getting the "Newsweak" Treatment

Newsweek has an article on Bill Cosby's campaign to wake up and clean up the poor black community, and in this article Newsweek basically treats Cosby the same way they treated the birth of Christ last week - attempting to debunk Cosby's message.

Just as in the article on the birth of Christ, Newsweek goes after spokesmen from just one side of the issue - theirs - and ignores the other. In the piece on the birth of Christ Newsweek chose to get all their information from left-wing theologians and ignored anyone who actually believed in the virgin birth. In the Cosby article they seek out either losers who refuse to make constructive changes in their lives as recommended by Cosby and insist that they must go on robbing and committing crimes until someone puts food on their table for them. They also seek out comments from various "experts" who basically say that Cosby is just to old school and doesn't understand today's black society. The article is clearly an attempt to suggest that Cosby's efforts are in vain, and unless he changes to lower his standards to meet today's black society, he's just spitting in the wind.

Could they not find even one prominent African-American who agreed with Cosby, or one young black person who was motivated to change by Cosby's words? Is there not even one black single mom who has vowed to change her kid's priorities because of Cos? If Newsweek is to believed, the black community is apparently beyond help, and I just don't think that's true at all.

It's too bad that Newsweek has forgotten how to write a balanced article. Cosby's message should be heard and not denigrated. He's the closest thing the black community has to a prophet of right thinking, and articles like this will not help anyone.

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