HolyCoast: Cut the Dues to the U.N.
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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Cut the Dues to the U.N.

Dick Morris writing today in The Hill recommends that the U.S. get the U.N.'s attention by withholding all or a part of our U.N. dues until they open their books and we can see just what happened in the Oil for Food scandal. Personally, I don't care if we quit paying them altogether and wish them bon voyage as they head off to a new home somewhere else.

The U.N. is the world-wide headquarters of anti-Semitic and anti-U.S. sentiment, and until that rat's nest is cleaned out, will continue to work against the interest of freedom-loving people the world over. It's a corrupt organization, and Kofi and his cronies need to go.

Senator Norm Coleman agrees.

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