HolyCoast: Gay Indoctrination Day at High School
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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Gay Indoctrination Day at High School

As the parent of one current and one future high schooler, I find this story more than a little disturbing:
Two parents, shocked at frank talk during a gay and lesbian awareness day at Newton North High, were forced off the property after one parent whipped out a video camera and started taping.

``This does not belong in curriculum,'' said Kim Cariani, who said four police officers and the principal told them they would be charged with trespassing if they did not leave.

``It's against my religion. It's morally wrong and forced in a child's face.''

Each year, some students at Newton North forgo classes during To BGLAD: Transgender, Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day with assembly-like sessions including ``Out at the Old Ballgame'' and ``Color Me Queer.'' Students are not required to attend.

Cariani kept her two kids home during the day, but she was curious.

Cariani and another parent, Brian Camenker, were in the audience when adults in a panel discussion talked about being gay. When one man told the students he was attracted to his sister's husband, Cariani said she started to record the ``propaganda, false information and lies.''

The principal demanded Cariani turn over the videotape or leave, Camenker said.

``They took the two of us and pulled us out and gave us one minute to leave and if we came back on the property we would be arrested for trespassing,'' he said.

Tom Mountain, a columnist for the Newton Tab, was also barred from the assembly ``for the safety and security of the children,'' he said he was told.

Newton schools Superintendent Jeff Young said it is a violation of school policy to tape or photograph students without parental permission. Cariani refused to give up the tape, so they were asked to decamp, he said.

The awareness day, held for the past 10 years, is one of several ways the schools highlight diversity, Young said. Students who don't want to go can go to the library or computer lab.

I've already noticed announcements for the Gay and Lesbian Club at my kid's school, something that would have been completely unacceptable when I was in high school back just after the earth cooled. I just can't look at stories like this and think we're making any sort of progress.

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