HolyCoast: The Nuclear Option
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Monday, December 13, 2004

The Nuclear Option

With the impending resignation of one or more Supreme Court Justices, the Senate is getting ready for what will surely be very contentious confirmation proceedings. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is tired of the whole Dem fillibuster routine, and is threatening to change the Senate rules to eliminate the procedure in judicial nominations. The Dems are not pleased (from the Washington Post):
So far, at least, Democrats are refusing to forgo filibusters and say they will fight any effort by Frist to act unilaterally to end them for judicial nominations. They warn that it could poison the well for bipartisan cooperation on other issues in the upcoming Congress.

"If they, for whatever reason, decide to do this, it's not only wrong, they will rue the day they did it, because we will do whatever we can do to strike back," incoming Senate Democratic leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said last week. "I know procedures around here. And I know that there will still be Senate business conducted. But I will, for lack of a better word, screw things up."

Tom Daschle lost his job by "screwing things up". I don't think the Dems really want to go there again.

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