HolyCoast: Ribbons and Wristbands
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ribbons and Wristbands

It seems like there's always some new ribbon or wristband that we're supposed to wear to show how much we care about whatever the pressing issue of the day might be. It all got started when celebrities started wearing red ribbons for AIDS awareness, and if you didn't have one on, well, you just didn't care enough. The silliness was extended to multiple causes, so many in fact, that no matter what color ribbon you wear you're sure to be advocating one or more causes.

My personal favorite was the folded up dollar bill created by Rush Limbaugh to signify that you supported capitalism. That one never hit if off with the Hollywood crowd.

The latest fad is the yellow LiveStrong wristbands sold by Lance Armstrong to raise funds for cancer cures. It's a good cause, no doubt, but according to the St. Petersburg (FL) Times, you might want to be careful where you wear it (hat tip Best of the Web Today):
Before you wear your cool yellow LiveStrong wristband at the hospital, think twice.

Several area hospitals are putting the brakes on Lance Armstrong's cancer organization fundraising bracelets. It's not cold-hearted backlash, but rather a safety precaution.

Patients wear colored bracelets to identify safety needs, said Lisa Johnson, vice president of patient services for Morton Plant Mease Health Care. Yellow stands for "do not resuscitate."

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