HolyCoast: ABC News Searching for a Military Funeral
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

ABC News Searching for a Military Funeral

Power Line has this disturbing story - ABC News is searching for a military funeral on Inauguration Day so they can interview the grieving relatives and get their comments on President Bush. Here's Power Line's report:

Well, sure. ABC wants to "balance" its coverage of President Bush's inauguration with coverage of a military funeral:

Jan. 19, 2005 — For a possible Inauguration Day story on ABC News, we are trying to find out if there any military funerals for Iraq war casualties scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 20. If you know of a funeral and whether the family might be willing to talk to ABC News, please fill out the form below:

Note that only the families of Iraqi war dead need apply. If a soldier died in Afghanistan, or aiding tsunami victims in Indonesia or Sri Lanka, or in a training exercise, never mind. That isn't the "balance" ABC is looking for.

Every time I think the MSM have stooped as low as they can go, they surprise me.

Thanks to San Antonio Express-News Watch and to reader Bill Crawford.

UPDATE: ABC has now taken down its solicitation of a military funeral to rain on the inaugural parade. Chalk up another small victory for our (Power Line's) readers.

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