HolyCoast: Dean Will Destroy Dems (but I'm fine with it)
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Monday, January 31, 2005

Dean Will Destroy Dems (but I'm fine with it)

A couple of political writers weigh in on the increasing likelihood that Howard "I Have A Scream" Dean will be elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee when the voting takes place on February 1st.

Robert Novak in the Chicago Sun-Times describes a long-time big money Dem donor who promises to give not another dime while Dean is chairman.

Dick Morris in the New York Post can't believe that Hillary and the Clinton gang have apparently given up any hope of stopping Dean. Harold Ickes, major player in the Clinton political machine, even endorsed Dean the other day. Morris has this to say:
So why are the Democrats selecting Dean? And why is Harold Ickes, the putative spokesperson for the Clintons, embracing the choice? Because Dean's momentum is unstoppable and nobody wants to stand in the way of the avalanche of self-destructiveness which is pouring onto the Democrats from their left-wing supporters.
The Deaniacs insist that his legion of internet fans will more than make up for any lost donations from some of the big money guys who can't stand Dean. It's going to take a whole bunch of $20 and $50 donations from the Internet crowd to replace donors who give in the hundreds of thousands. All of this bodes very well for Republicans in 2006 and 2008.

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