HolyCoast: Dems Wrong to Abuse Dr. Rice
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Friday, January 28, 2005

Dems Wrong to Abuse Dr. Rice

Charles Krauthammer writes today in The Daily News regarding the mistreatment of Dr. Condoleezza Rice by the Dems in an effort to attack the administration:
In parliamentary systems it's common to turn a political nomination - or even an insignificant bill - into a show of no-confidence in the government or a policy. In the U.S. that's far less common, but 12 Senate Democrats (plus the independent Jim Jeffords) have done just that over Condoleezza Rice's nomination for secretary of state.

They have used it as a way to stake out opposition to the Iraq war. They are likely to pay a heavy political price. In this country, it is customary to allow the President to choose his own cabinet, so long as the nominee is minimally qualified. Rice is superbly qualified and everyone concedes that.

I believe the Dems will pay a steep price with the minority communities for the way they berated Dr. Rice.

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