HolyCoast: Go Get 'em Iraqis!
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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Go Get 'em Iraqis!

The Iraqi citizens are turning out in huge numbers to participate in the first democratic election in that country since before most of them were born. Condi says things are going pretty well, and Kerry thinks it's really not really legitimate. Anybody surprised?

Let's give a big hand to the brave Iraqis who are thumbing their nose at the insurgents and going to the polls, despite the threats and actual violence that has taken place there today.

Mark Steyn has some thoughts on the election. Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online has some thoughts on the election coverage:
So far, I think the coverage has been moderately scandalous. This morning CNN kept its regularly scheduled medical show (though last night they were better, if mostly pre-taped). The major nets seemed to treat this like a fairly ho-hum story. I just walked over to my computer after seeing that the Today Show was offering viewers a segment on new shaving technologies for men. Meanwhile, Fox is treating this like a huge, momentous, occassion. Given the contrast, I sometimes worry that the MSM media is becoming more biased simply because they define "bad coverage" even when Fox is covering things correctly. It's almost as if NBC News would report "this just in: 2+2 is 5" if Fox were reporting "2+2 is 4."

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