HolyCoast: Heading to Texas
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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Heading to Texas

I'm heading to Texas for four days of quartet work, which means there won't be any blogging until next Tuesday when I get back and have a chance to look at the news again.

Here's something to look for tomorrow - the release of the CBS report on Rathergate. I heard an interview this afternoon on the Hugh Hewitt show with Charles Johnson of LittleGreenFootballs.com and a couple of the boys from Powerlineblog.com, the two blogs primarily responsible for breaking the whole fraudulent memo story. Powerline even ended up as "Blog of the Year" at Time Magazine because of their work.

Neither of these blogs were contacted by the CBS investigators who are supposedly trying to get to the bottom of the whole Rathergate mess. This information confirms for me that the investigation will be incomplete at best, and a whitewash at worst. If the report is released as suspected on Friday, be sure to check all three of the above blogs to get their take on it. It should be pretty entertaining.

Talk to you again on Tuesday!

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