HolyCoast: Hey Dummy It's Cold Outside!
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Monday, January 24, 2005

Hey Dummy It's Cold Outside!

The hyperventilating global warming crowd is at it again, this time releasing a report in Britain that basically says the world is in a downhill slide (atmospherically not morally) and that in 10 years it will be too late to prevent disaster. Of course, the report was released on a day in which the Northeastern U.S. suffered through one of the top 10 blizzards in history. Boston got something like 40 inches of snow.

It sort of reminds me of Al Gore, who about this time last year, gave an apocalyptic address on global warming in New York City - on the coldest day there in 100 years. Apparently these guys don't watch the weather channel.

The global warming crowd has begun to realize that dire predictions of disasters centuries in the future just doesn't stir up the audience anymore. Consequently they've ramped up their hysteria by claiming that whatever disaster awaits us is only a few years away, rather than decades. If you ask them, they'll tell you that they can't be sure that their predictions will come true, but it's too important to wait for science to catch up. WE NEED TO ACT NOW!!

Baloney. Back in the 80's that paragon of environmental wisdon, Ted Danson, barkeep on Cheers, stood on the shores of Santa Monica Bay and somberly told us that if we didn't immediately change our evil ways, the oceans had only 10 years to live. Last time I checked you can still find fish on the menus at local restaurants, so I'm guessing he didn't really know what he was talking about.

Read Michael Crichton's new book "State of Fear" for some eye-opening info on the global warming alarmist crowd.

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