HolyCoast: IN GOOD COMPANY - A Review
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Thursday, January 27, 2005


I promised awhile back that I would review the new movie IN GOOD COMPANY after I had a chance to see it at a special blogger screening. Unfortunately, due to schedule conflicts, I had to miss the screening in Century City. I did, however, finally get to see the movie last weekend.

Rather than write a long, involved review, I'm going to defer to Frederica Mathewes-Green who writes a review of the movie for National Review Online. I agree wholeheartedly with her review, and she says it better than I could anyway.

Bottom line - a pleasant movie with fairly good values portrayed (fairly good, but not perfect). I wouldn't pay full price to see it, but if you can get a discount ticket from Costco, it's worth the $6.99.

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