HolyCoast: Kerry Spot Takes on Gunga Dan
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Kerry Spot Takes on Gunga Dan

Jim Geraghty of National Review Online and writer of TKS (formerly The Kerry Spot) nails Gunga Dan:

You'll see more on this subject in the future on NRO, but for now, a few sentences of summary: How revealing is it that Dan Rather — the face of CBS News, widely described as "a newsman's newsman" — was not at the anchor desk the day the report is released, and the next day issued only a brief statement to his coworkers?
What does it say that this man, the embodiment of a generation in television journalism, chose to not do a press conference, and wasn't willing to sit down for a hard-hitting interview? So far, he has clammed up and avoided the press like… well, like the corporate or government officials who are usually the targets of “60 Minutes” investigations.

Keep this in mind when Rather retires in March, and commentators fall all over themselves offering gushing praise for his character, his toughness, his guts, and his sense of honor.

Gunga Dan responded yesterday in a memo to fellow C-BS employees. The closing paragraph from Dan was this:
Lest anyone have any doubt, I have read the report, I take it seriously, and I shall keep its lessons well in mind.

For some odd reason that sentence reminds me of Scrooge, after awakening on Christmas morning, promising to keep Christmas in his heart every day of the year. There is a big difference between the two...Scrooge changed.

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