HolyCoast: Republic or Democracy?
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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Republic or Democracy?

Walter Williams in WorldNetDaily.com straightens out the misconceptions about our form of government:
We often hear the claim that our nation is a democracy. That wasn't the vision of the founders. They saw democracy as another form of tyranny. If we've become a democracy, I guarantee you that the founders would be deeply disappointed by our betrayal of their vision. The founders intended, and laid out the ground rules, for our nation to be a republic.

We are a representative republic, not a democracy, the term often thrown around by people who don't know any better. That's why we elect folks to represent us, and another reason why we have an electoral college and not a direct election of the president. Walter's pretty sharp - read the whole thing.

From time to time Mr. Williams fills in for Rush Limbaugh, and I think my favorite analogy of his has to do with a "living" Constitution. Those folks out there who want to create all kinds of new Constitutional rights such as abortion, privacy, freedom from religion, are always talking about a "living" document that should change with the time.

Walter takes a different approach and one that I agree with. He says the Constitution contains the rules by which we play this government game, and when someone challenges him on that, he offers to play them in poker and have the rules "living". Maybe when he gets a pair of twos and you have three Queens, the "living" rules will mean he wins instead of you.

When you look at it in that light, a "living" Constitution doesn't make much sense.

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