HolyCoast: Follow-up on Good Deeds
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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Follow-up on Good Deeds

I told you the story the other day about some girls whose good deed went bad thanks to a cranky neighbor. Here's the follow-up on the story:
Two teenage girls who got in trouble for surprising their neighbors with homemade cookies will not have to pay nearly $1,000 in medical bills for a woman who says she was so startled that she had to go to the hospital.

Radio station KOA-AM of Denver raised more than $1,900 from listeners Friday to pay the girls' $930.78 fine. The rest of the money will go to a charity dedicated to victims of the Columbine High School massacre.

I figured they'd make out all right. By the way, one of the girl's father has had to file a restraining order against the husband of the cranky neighbor due to repeated harassing phone calls. Sounds like that house has lots of problems.

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