HolyCoast: Libs Unimpressed With Their Own
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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Libs Unimpressed With Their Own

The hardest job in the world for the party out of the White House is to make the response to the State of the Union speech. Personally, if I were in charge, I'd do away with the response altogether. No one is listening to it, and after all the cheers and ovations of the President's speech, sitting in some room and talking to the camera without an audience just makes the opposition look silly. Having Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi do the response could keep the Dems out of power for the next generation - they're just plain bad.

The New Republic, a liberal magazine, didn't care much for them either:

That congressional Democrats are still struggling to find their voice was plainly evident in last night's Democratic response by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. The Democratic leaders offered neither a clear vision for their party nor particularly effective counterattacks on the president's agenda. Instead, as is the party's wont, they delivered a bland mishmash of familiar, indistinct ideas. Compared to President Bush's symphonic rhetoric about freedom and democracy and the social compact between generations, the Democrats sounded like a high-school marching band.

Now I have to take a little exception to that last statement because my kid's high school has an excellent marching band, and they certainly sound better than those Gong Show rejects Reid and Pelosi.

If these two are the best the Dems can come up with, I look for Bush to have a pretty easy time of selling his programs in the next four years.

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