HolyCoast: Reagan Still Can't Win in Minnesota
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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Reagan Still Can't Win in Minnesota

How petty has politics become? Check out this AP report from Minnesota:
ST. PAUL Even in death, Ronald Reagan can't catch a break in Minnesota.

A resolution honoring the former Republican president's birthday caused partisan friction in the state Senate. It passed only after being retooled to mention that he never won Minnesota.

Minnesota was the only state not in Reagan's column in the 1984 election. It went for Democrat Walter Mondale, a native son.

The Democratic-controlled Senate spent more than a half-hour debating the Republican-offered resolution recognizing Reagan's February sixth birthday.

Democrats criticized the original resolution as ideologically skewed. They added revisions such as one noting tax increases under Reagan.

Senate Republicans were taken aback by the changes but supported the revised resolution rather than put off a vote.

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