HolyCoast: State of the Union
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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

State of the Union

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the SOTU speech due to my small group commitment. If you missed it too, you can read the whole thing here (of course, it's not the same without the 61 interruptions for applause and the great visuals).

A couple of blogs were live-blogging the speech. You can see what they thought at Powerline and The Corner. Check out the blogroll at the right side of this page - you can find reactions at pretty much all of them.

At least one site decided to live blog the Democratic response. Here's my favorite line regarding Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi:
If they were there when Jesus walked on the water they would say "Well, that just shows that Jesus can't swim".

That's a classic quote.

Based on the reactions I've seen from many news outlets, the speech was a big success and the Dem response was completely lame. The Dems and the terrorists and non-democratic countries in the middle east have plenty to be worried about.

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