HolyCoast: Nuclear Temper Tantrum
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Nuclear Temper Tantrum

It's being reported on Rush that at 2:15 pm EST Senate Minority Leader Dingy Harry Reid will troop his caucus out to the Capital steps to conduct a televised temper tantrum. Reid will reportedly threaten to shut down the Senate to all but terrorism or defense business if the GOP implements the Constitutional option to stop filibusters on judicial nominations.

Is shutting down the Senate a bad thing ? Heck no. The less the Senate does, the less stupid stuff will be passed into law. Reid apparently thinks the country will rally around the aggrieved Dems, but when they hear what the fight's really about, it will not play to the Dems advantage despite the media's attempts to demonize the GOP. Bloggers and talk radio will be able to get the truth out.

Stay tuned...

UPDATE: They did it:
Democrats served notice Tuesday that they will slow or stop most Senate business if Republicans unilaterally change the rules to assure confirmation of President Bush's controversial court appointments.

In the words of John F'ing Kerry: BRIIIING IIIIIIT OOOOONNNNN!

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