HolyCoast: Dems Senate Hopes Will Require a Miracle
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Friday, April 29, 2005

Dems Senate Hopes Will Require a Miracle

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid apparently expects to keep his title for awhile longer:

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid raised a few eyebrows yesterday on the Senate floor when he said it would take a "miracle" for Democrats to win enough races next year to take back the Senate.

"I would like to think a miracle would happen and we would pick up five seats this time," he said during a floor debate over the filibusters of President Bush's judicial nominees. "I guess miracles never cease."

Republicans were delighted by what they called an "admission" from the highest-ranking elected Democrat in the country.

"After listening to Senator Reid's political spin about judicial nominees for the last several weeks, it is good to hear him come back to reality -- if even for a brief moment," said Brian Nick, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. "Senator Reid can do the math: A Democratic Party, plus no ideas, plus obstruction, plus over-the-top partisan rhetoric equals continued minority."
Partisans on both sides of the aisle privately acknowledged that it was a fairly stunning remark.

I'm sure the Democratic Senatorial Campaign just had multiple heart attacks. You know this moment of reality by Sen. Reid will be heard again and again as the '06 campaigns draw closer. Hey Dems, save your money. Your own leader says it can't be done!

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