HolyCoast: Anakin Skywalker - George Bush Protege?
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Monday, May 16, 2005

Anakin Skywalker - George Bush Protege?

The new Star Wars Episode III movie is making some folks at the Cannes Film Festival a little uneasy:
CANNES, France For some Europeans, George Lucas' latest "Star Wars" film is invoking comparisons to today's political climate.

Audiences viewing "Episode Three -- Revenge of the Sith" at the Cannes Film Festival are comparing the story of Anakin Skywalker's fall to the dark side and the rise of an emperor through warmongering to President Bush's war on terrorism and the invasion of Iraq.

Among the lines they cite is when Anakin tells former mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy." After the Nine-Eleven attacks, Bush said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

Lucas says he created the "Star Wars" story long before the Iraq war.
Star Wars creator George Lucas is helping promote the idea that the newest Stars Wars movie is some kind of political statement about Bush, despite his insistence that the story was written "a long time ago". Anything for a little publicity, I guess.
Lucas, speaking to reporters, emphasised that the original "Star Wars" was written at the end of the Vietnam war, when Richard Nixon was U.S. president, but that the issue being explored was still very much alive today.

"The issue was, how does a democracy turn itself into a dictatorship?" he said.

"When I wrote it, Iraq (the U.S.-led war) didn't exist... but the parallels of what we did in Vietnam and Iraq are unbelievable."

He acknowledged an uncomfortable feeling that the United States was in danger of losing its democratic ideals, like in the movie.

"I didn't think it was going to get this close. I hope this doesn't come true in our country."

Although he didn't mention Bush by name, Lucas took what sounded like another dig while explaining the transformation of the once-good Anakin Skywalker to the very bad Darth Vader.

"Most bad people think they're good people," he said.

My advice to all of you who are trying to draw parallels between a science fiction movie and today's reality...get a life.

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