HolyCoast: Thou Shalt Not Kill Thyself...Except from 9 to 5
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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Thou Shalt Not Kill Thyself...Except from 9 to 5

James Taranto at Best of the Web Today reports on an interesting problem in Canada:
"A Canadian province will shut its 24-hour suicide hotline and replace it with one that operates only during business hours," Reuters reports from Toronto:

Prince Edward Island, a small province on Canada's East Coast, says it is too expensive to operate the hotline around the clock. Starting June 1, it will be open only between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. . . .

"How many times, when you get upset or worried or concerned about things, is it in the middle of the day? It's usually at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning when you wake up," said Joan Wright, executive director of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention based in Edmonton, Alberta.

The hotline received about 1,400 calls a year and about 50 were from people contemplating suicide, health groups said.

"One of the things I was hearing is the government felt there weren't enough suicide-related calls," Wright said.

"Canada's suicide rate has been consistently higher than the United States," reports the Web site of the Calgary-based Centre for Suicide Prevention. Maybe that's because our suicide hotlines, like this one in San Francisco, are open 24/7.

This from a country whose medical care system is the envy of the Democrats.

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