HolyCoast: Tighty Whities
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Friday, May 20, 2005

Tighty Whities

Wouldn't you know it - as soon as the Newsweak mess started winding down, some other outrage against humanity has been reported. This time it's the Sun, the largest tabloid in Britain, running full color photos on the front page of Saddam Hussein in his underwear, forever answering the age old question: boxers or briefs. The nod goes to briefs.

Of course this will be deemed by the nutcases in the Middle East as the latest outrage against Muslims and new violence will result. The Sun is reporting that they got the photos from a military source, and I guarantee you that guy is in big, big trouble. The U.S. doesn't need another KoranFlushingGate type scandal, but it looks like it's got one. Only this time the information is true.

What I'm wondering is if Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy and the other lib Dems will run to Saddam's defense. This puts them in an interesting situation: an opportunity to bash Bush and the U.S. Military, but at the expense of defending Saddam. They'll twist themselves into pretzels trying to figure out how to respond to this mess.

Saddam and his lawyers are going to take a very much American approach to this situation - they'll sue:
Saddam Hussein plans to take legal action after a British newspaper published photos of him half-naked in his prison cell and doing his washing.
"We will sue the newspaper and everyone who helped in showing these pictures," said Saddam Hussein's chief lawyer Ziad Al-Khasawneh, speaking from Jordan.

The Sun newspaper said it would fight any legal action and said it planned to publish more photos on Saturday.

The US has launched an investigation into how the photos were leaked.

Back in the old days Saddam would simply have had the perpetrators tortured, killed and buried in a mass grave. Now he has to use lawyers, which it could be argued is very much the same thing. Stay tuned, I'm sure we'll be hearing more about this.

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