HolyCoast: Lefty Churches: Slam America for the 4th!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Lefty Churches: Slam America for the 4th!

Little Green Footballs points out a news release from the way lefty National Council of Churches which calls on its members to slam America on July 4th:
Declaring that the time has come to say no to leaders “who have sent many honorable sons and daughters to fight a dishonorable war in Iraq,” the NCC Governing Board is urging people of faith to speak out on the Fourth of July. “This year our nation is at war as we observe the 4th of July, a day that honors those founders who spoke out for independence from tyranny.,” the Governing Board’s statement declares. “Today in Iraq a cruel dictator has been deposed, yet the suffering of the Iraqi people continues ..... No weapons of mass destruction have been found; no link to the attacks on September 11, 2001 has been shown. It has become clear that the rationale for invasion was at best a tragic mistake, at worst a clever deception. As people of faith, we believe in the transcendent sovereignty and love of God for creation, and that the responsibility of human beings is thus to pursue justice and peace for all. We also believe that, as the biblical prophets of old, who in faithfulness to God spoke out to a people and a nation they loved, in humility before God, we too are to speak to a land and people we love. As religious leaders we invite others who share our affections and dismay to recognize the time has come to speak out.”

As I've stated before, I have my doubts that these people even believe in God, let alone believing in the troops or our country. They would eagerly hand us over to our enemies in the name of peace, and as such, don't deserve the blessings of this country that others have fought and died for. Of course, I'm sure if we got back in their archives we'll find their statements condemning Saddam's brutal dictatorship while he was still in power....won't we (sound of crickets)?

The NCC is really nothing more than just another liberal activist group, not unlike Greenpeace or the National Abortion Rights League. If you check their website you'll see all kinds of liberal crap about greenhouse emmissions, social security, Iraq, WTF...and Taco Bell! Can you say hallelujah!

One of the commentors at LGF sums it up nicely:
Good thing they live in a country where they can talk trash about the President without getting run feet first through a wood chipper...
.....or getting shot in the head and then have your mother charged for the bullet.

Another commentor pretty accurately describes what the NCC really is:
The National Council of Churches is a spent, irrelevant organization that supposedly represents the leadership of dying, numerically declining, mostly Protestant denominations. No one listens to what they say, for good reason.

Who cares what they promote? Who cares what they say?

They are a bunch of self-appointed leaders with no followers. Let them whine amongst themselves.

Those who attend places of worship that are vibrant, stand for something religious, are sure of their beliefs, and have a sturdy morality will simply, and slowly, replace these aging, cultural has-beens.

They are pathetic.

Well said.

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