HolyCoast: Mincing Toward Gomorrah
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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mincing Toward Gomorrah

Spain has decided to join those powerhouse nations of Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands in legalizing gay marriage:
Parliament legalized gay marriage Thursday, defying conservatives and clergy who opposed making traditionally Roman Catholic Spain the third nation to allow same-sex unions. Gay activists cheered the vote and blew kisses to lawmakers.

The measure passed the 350-seat Congress of Deputies by a vote of 187-147 with four abstentions. The bill also lets gay couples adopt children and inherit each others' property.

The bill is now law. The Senate, where conservatives hold the largest number of seats, rejected the bill last week. But it is an advisory body and final say on legislation rests with the Congress of Deputies.

After the final tally was announced, gay and lesbian activists watching from the spectator section of the ornate chamber cheered, embraced each other, waved to lawmakers and blew them kisses.

How touching. You know it's probably a good thing that the Spaniards pulled out of Iraq after they suffered a terrorist attack in Madrid, because I'm afraid we'd have a real tough time telling the difference between a Spanish lesbian and an Iraqi insurgent.

For another, very offbeat, look at gay marriage, check out Doug TenNapel.

UPDATE: Could this be the Spanish soccer team??

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