HolyCoast: The Tragedy in Aruba
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Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Tragedy in Aruba

The news about the missing high school grad in Aruba is not encouraging (from Fox News):
Police investigating the disappearance of an Alabama honors student in Aruba arrested a man at dawn Saturday, hours after one of three young men already in custody admitted "something bad happened" to the woman after they took her to the beach.

This is not going to end well, and it's raised a few questions in my own mind. When I was in high school (many moons ago) Grad Night consisted of a trip to Disneyland. Now some folks send their 18 year olds to foreign countries with minimal supervision. The folks from Alabama apparently didn't even have a buddy system in which students are paired up with the idea of keeping an eye on each other. That system alone might have saved this girl's life. Some will argue that these kids are legally adults and therefore should be allowed to roam freely, but let's get serious, just how "adult" were you at 18?

We've been getting email and mailings since last year for this year's Grad night at my kid's school. Grad nights, instead of being inexpensive trips to a theme park, have become major events costing tens of thousands of dollars to produce. The purpose is to give the kids a great experience and at the same time keep them safe, but I think it's getting a little bit out of control. The kids have graduated from high school, not won a Nobel Prize, so let's keep things in perspective.

I have a feeling that many high schools, and high schooler parents, will rethink the idea of sending their kids off on foreign adventures, especially to notorious pick-up joints like Aruba. I wouldn't be surprised if Aruba suffers some loss of tourist business as a result of this tragedy.

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