HolyCoast: Dems Help Pass CAFTA, and Now They'll Pay
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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Dems Help Pass CAFTA, and Now They'll Pay

Fifteen Democratic House members defied their party and the theats of the labor unions to cross the aisle and support the CAFTA agreement (27 Republicans crossed the aisle the other direction and opposed it). The agreement passed by only two votes, so it can be safely said that without the support of those Dems, the thing would have died in the House.

I haven't heard anything regarding any sort of retribution against the GOP members who opposed the deal, but the Dem leadership is in a fury against their members who voted for it (h/t The Corner):
From Roll Call: "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), angry that some of her own betrayed the party on a key trade vote, called a last-minute, Members-only meeting tonight to review the early-morning balloting and the reasoning behind defectors' votes.

"Pelosi called for the special session of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee at a private whip meeting this morning, during which she said she 'had a sleepless night' over the Central American Free Trade Agreement vote that narrowly passed early in the morning. Sources in the room said Pelosi was furious at the outcome and the votes of some of the 15 Democrats - notably some in safe districts - who joined the Republicans to pass the bill.

"'I've never seen her like that,' described one Democratic aide who attended the meeting.

"While sources insisted Pelosi has not called for any retribution in the Democratic Caucus, she left open the likelihood that defectors' committee assignments would be reviewed at tonight's meeting of the Steering Committee, which helps determine Members' placement on panels."

Pelosi is really losing it over this issue. In an earlier press conference she suggested that perhaps the GOP had bribed or otherwise illegally influenced Dems to support the agreement. Of course, she could not provide any evidence of such activity. Apparently in Dem world, getting off the Dem party bus can only occur if someone is illegally tempted by the GOP. Surely no Dem would support such an agreement because he/she believed it was best for the country.

Should be a fun time on Capitol Hill tonight.

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