HolyCoast: Howard, Not a Happy Donkey
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Howard, Not a Happy Donkey

The DNC is not too pleased with the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court. I think the main source of his discontent is not anything that Roberts might do on the court, but the fact that the Dems won't be able to stop his confirmation. Oh, of course, the other thing that has Howard's tail all knotted up is the fact that this nomination will move the focus off the Dems attempt to smear Karl Rove. He admitted as much in his press release:
"Faced with a growing scandal surrounding the involvement of Deputy White House chief of Staff Karl Rove and Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis Libby in leaking the identity of a covert CIA operative, President Bush announced his nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court late this evening," Dean's statement began.

Dean continued:

"It is disappointing that when President Bush had the chance to bring the country together, he instead turned to a nominee who may have impressive legal credentials, but also has sharp partisan credentials that cannot be ignored."

Just as the Rove situation took all the air out of the attempt to drive Tom DeLay out of office, the confirmation process will make all but the most rabid lefties forget Plamegate. Joe Wilson's 15 minutes are over.

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