HolyCoast: Potential Jihadist Suffers Lead Poisoning
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Friday, July 22, 2005

Potential Jihadist Suffers Lead Poisoning

London police are taking a very dim view of would be suicide bombers these days:

Police on Friday shot and killed a man believed to be one of the people responsible for attempted bombings in the city just a day earlier...

The man shot earlier in the day, described by passengers as South Asian, was shot was wearing a thick coat when he ran into the Stockwell subway station in south London Friday. Police reportedly began following the man when he left his home in an effort to arrest him. It's believed he may have been the suspect who put the bomb down in the Oval Street Underground station a day before, according to the Sky News reporter at Scotland Yard.

Witnesses said about 10 armed police in street clothes chased the suspect, he tripped, and, after telling bystanders to get down, police then shot him. The man died after being shot.

"They pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him. He's dead," witness Mark Whitby told the British Broadcasting Corp. "He looked like a cornered fox. He looked petrified."

Whitby said the man didn't appear to have been carrying anything but said he was wearing a thick coat that looked padded.

Sky News reported that a Scotland Yard spokesman said: "We can confirm that just after 10 a.m. armed officers shot a male at Stockwell Underground station.

"A man was challenged by officers and subsequently shot."

Police are believed to be under orders to shoot to kill if they believe someone is about to detonate a bomb.

Now you know the anti-gun civil liberties types in Britain (and there are a lot of those) are going to be all weepy over the fact that this guy turned out to be unarmed (or unbombed as it were). Come to think of it, given the description of the guy as a 'cornered fox', the anti-fox hunting crowd will probably be all upset too.

However, temperatures in London this morning were in the 70's and the guy was wearing a heavy, padded coat. His actions, and the fact that he's a suspect in yesterday's attacks, gave police reason to be concerned. Given the choice of shooting him or allowing him to detonate a hidden device, I would have gone with shooting him too.

If it turns out that this guy was one of yesterday's suspects, I don't think most Londoners will lose any sleep over sending this guy to paradise. If he wasn't one of the suspect, then folks better think twice before wearing a heavy coat on a warm day. It may cause lead poisoning.

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