HolyCoast: Remembering Just What Happened on 9/11
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Remembering Just What Happened on 9/11

When was the last time you saw footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center, or the film of the collapse of the buildings? It's probably been a long time because the networks don't think it's important to remind people of what we're fighting for.

Why would I bring this up on July 27th? James Taranto is celebrating the five year anniversary of his Best of the Web Today column on OpinionJournal.com and as part of a retrospective of his five years, he talks about what happened that day. Best of the Web is one of the best sites for articles for this blog, and I highly recommend that you check it every day.

Included in today's piece on 9/11 are links to three articles that are worth reading again. They're first person accounts from Wall Street Journal employees who were eyewitnesses to the 9/11 tragedy, and they're absolutely chilling to read. If you have any doubt why we're fighting a global war on terror, or if you simply need a little reminding about 9/11 and the tragedy of that day, please read each one of these important first-hand accounts, and then refer this posting to others (here's the link). This is important stuff.

I Saw It All. Then I Saw Nothing.

Waking Up to a Nightmare

Taking Refuge Under, Then in, a Van

James Taranto's anniversary column, which includes some of his recollections about 9/11, can be found here.

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