HolyCoast: Something Profitable This Way Comes
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Monday, July 18, 2005

Something Profitable This Way Comes

Saturday was the release date for the new Harry Potter book, and everywhere we went at the Dulles Airport that afternoon the books were on sale, including every little souvenir and snack stand. According to a report on Drudge today, the book is selling 250,000 units PER HOUR, which equals about $36,000,000 a day to the author J.K. Rowling. It's about as close as you can get to a license to print money.

Our copy, which was ordered long ago, arrived on Saturday from Amazon, and my daughter is already reading it. I'll let you know what she thinks.

While in D.C. I saw several news reports about Christians who are protesting this new book, and even burning previous Harry Potter books. Frankly, I think it's silly and it makes all Christians look like a bunch of stiffs who just want to take all fun out of life. Here's what I said about the Harry Potter series back in February:
Now I know some Christians get in a big snit when they talk about the Harry Potter series and all the witches, warlocks and stuff. However, if you take the stories for what they are...fantasy...they're actually quite a lot of fun. I've read all five of the previous books and have seen all three movies.

When we went to see the first Harry Potter movie a few years ago I jokingly made my kids swear that if we went to the movie they wouldn't start casting evil spells. So far they've kept their promise.

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