Oh my aching legs! We knew this trip would involve lots of walking, and so far it's been all that. We started our morning with a half mile walk down to McPherson Square where the nearest Metro station is. The Metro is D.C.'s subway, and from what I've seen so far, is a pretty handy way to get around.
McPherson Square
McPherson Square is also the home of an indigenous tribe of winos, including two who had everything they owned spread around them with signs declaring that the U.S. needs to pay reparations for slavery. They're apparently waiting for their check.
Our first stop after leaving the Metro was the Museum of American History. They call the Smithsonian "America's Attic", and this museum captures that better than anything.

Museum of American History
The first thing you see when you enter the museum from the mall is the flag that was draped from the roof of the Pentagon following the 9/11 attacks. It's a solemn reminder of the terrorist attacks.We also saw the original "Star Spangled Banner" that flew over Fort McHenry and inspired our national anthem. It's in pretty rough shape and is currently undergoing restoration.
There were many highlights in the three hours or so we spent there. Mrs. HolyCoast was looking forward to seeing the First Ladies inaugural gowns, and here she is with Mrs. Bush 43's gown from 2001:
While traveling through the transportation section, we were surprised to see a very familiar vehicle - a Dodge minivan almost identical, color and all, to the one we bought in 1989 shortly after our daughter was born. If we'd known that car would be famous one day, we wouldn't have traded it in for a newer one in 1995.
The final highlight of the Museum of American History was this shirt, which will be instantly recognizable to all Seinfeld fans:

"But I don't want to be a pirate!"
Yes, it's the famous "puffy shirt" that Jerry accidentally agreed to wear while having dinner with a "low talker". This really is America's attic.
The next stop was the Museum of Natural History which has a huge collection of animals (stuffed), bones of various creatures, and lots of very expensive rocks, gems and jewels, including the Hope Diamond.
The African Bull Elephant in the Rotunda
The final stop of our day was the American Indian Museum. Mrs. HolyCoast has a number of pieces of Indian artwork, dolls and pottery, and we've discovered that some of our stuff is of a better quality than what we found in the museum. Maybe we'll start our own.
In front of the American Indian Museum
That pretty much concluded our sightseeing for the day. We took our aching legs back to the hotel to relax for the evening. Tomorrow we'll be getting on the Old Town Trolley to travel throughout the city to the various memorials and monuments. See you then.
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