HolyCoast: Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner
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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner

George Will has a good piece today in the Washington Post on the general tone-deafness of the Dems. It's worth reading the whole thing.

I love this illustration of why Cindy Sheehan will never get her meeting with President Bush, and after you read this, how could you blame him for refusing:
Many warmhearted and mildly attentive Americans say the president should have invited Sheehan to his kitchen table in Crawford for a cup of coffee and a serving of that low-calorie staple of democratic sentimentality -- "dialogue." Well.

Since her first meeting with the president, she has called him a "lying bastard," "filth spewer," "evil maniac," "fuehrer" and the world's "biggest terrorist" who is committing "blatant genocide" and "waging a nuclear war" in Iraq. Even leaving aside her not entirely persuasive contention that someone else concocted the obviously anti-Israel and inferentially anti-Semitic elements of one of her recent e-mails -- elements of a sort nowadays often found woven into ferocious left-wing rhetoric -- it is difficult to imagine how the dialogue would get going.

He: "Cream and sugar?"

She: "Yes, please, filth-spewer."

If Sheehan had showed up in Crawford and had truly been just the grieving mom that she hoped to portray herself, she might have gotten that meeting with Bush. However, her history of way-left rhetoric, and her inability to discuss the important issues without resorting to name calling and insults have left her just a sad figure in a Texas ditch, and not someone who has any real chance to make a difference.

Unfortunately for the anti-war crowd, they've backed a horse with four bad knees.

UPDATE: The electrons had barely settled down from this posting when I ran across something else to add to the Cindy lexicon:
Cindy Sheehan just finished her morning media event. When asked by reporters, Sheehan said she believes that while she supports the continued hunt for Osama bin Laden she believes the U.S. should withdraw from Afghanistan and “stop bombing innocent people.” She also described Osama bin Laden as being “allegedly” behind the attacks of 9/11.
UPDATE 2: Scott Ott writes a brilliant response to Cindy Sheehan, as he envisions President Bush might have.

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