HolyCoast: Michael Schiavo Honored As 'Guardian of the Year'
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Monday, August 08, 2005

Michael Schiavo Honored As 'Guardian of the Year'

I know that title reads like a Scrappleface post, but it's true. Just when you thought the Terri Schiavo case couldn't get any weirder, there's this (h/t The Corner):

The husband of Terri Schiavo was honored by a group that advocates guardianship services for his years-long efforts to get his wife's feeding tube disconnected. (Say what? - HolyCoast)

Michael Schiavo was given the Guardian of the Year Award by the Florida State Guardianship Association yesterday.

Terri Schiavo lived in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years before dying in March.

She died after a protracted legal battle between her husband and her parents over her end-of-life wishes.

She died from dehydration after her feeding tube was disconnected.

I wonder what he would have gotten if he'd helped her live?

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