HolyCoast: This Guy Could Have Been Your President
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Monday, August 22, 2005

This Guy Could Have Been Your President

Boy that John F. Kerry really knows how to party. Good thing the Dems aren't known for their moral values, or else somebody might suggest that his presence at this party was wholly inappropriate:
Former presidential candidate John Kerry attended an intimate and exclusive farewell for gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson, a suicide victim – complete with tributes to drugs and blow-up sex dolls adorning the event.

Thompson's ashes were blasted into the night sky in an explosion, according to reports.

But some, according to an Associated Press report, said the gonzo journalist would have sneered at the Hollywood trappings – champagne toasts by movie stars and former presidential candidates.

The writer's ashes were fired from atop a 15-story tower modeled after Thompson's logo: a clenched fist, holding a peyote button, rising from the hilt of a dagger. It was built between his Colorado home and a tree-covered canyon wall.

The guests gathered in a pavilion next to the platform. Inside were blow up sex dolls and a mask of Thompson's arch enemy, late President Richard Nixon.

Thompson shot himself in his kitchen Feb. 20, apparently despondent over his declining health.

The left has an odd way of celebrating. A disturbed writer eats his gun, and their response is "let's party with blow up sex dolls!". Gives you a warm feeling, doesn't it.

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