HolyCoast: The War For Israel Is Just Beginning
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Sunday, August 21, 2005

The War For Israel Is Just Beginning

Anyone who thinks Israel's withdrawal from Gaza will help the peace process should take a look at this (h/t Powerline):

Hamas terrorists vowed yesterday to drive Israel out of the West Bank and Jerusalem. "Gaza is not Palestine," a masked spokesman for Hamas' armed wing declared, making it clear the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip will not satisfy the fanatical terrorist group.

"As for Jerusalem and the West Bank, we will seek to liberate them by resistance just as the Gaza Strip was liberated," said the spokesman, surrounded by gunmen with rocket launchers.

"This retreat [by Israel] does not mean the end of our battle, but it is the beginning," said one of the gunmen.

"Our arms removed the Zionist enemy and therefore we will not abandon our weapons and we will not hand them over to anybody," said the Hamas spokesman.

I told you a few days ago that I thought the pullout from Gaza was a big mistake, and I think this statement from Hamas just confirms that.

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